Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Multi-Colored Fragrant Whiteboard Mathematics


Liora's Dad said...

Unbelievable as it may be, there where no GIS results for "Multi-Colored Fragrant Whiteboard Mathemagic".

I guess mathemagic has never been typed on the internet.

Too damn bad.

Splantrik said...

She seems amused at the Beetle bash.

Splantrik said...

I am not amused at the delay. Never end, my ass. Never ass, my end.

Splantrik said...

>1 mo w/o post? Scan dalous.

Splantrik said...

This is growing intolerable. I might have to kill a tiny man.

Splantrik said...

It is entirely intolerable now. I have killed a tiny man. Jorton, feel my wrath.

Libertan said...

Shut up Splantrik
tend to your own flock.